Preserve Happiness with Pet Memorials
Jun 26th 2017
Death is something we all would rather not discuss, much less have to deal with. But it is a natural phenomenon we simply cannot avoid. Death brings sadness and pain, even the death of a beloved pet.
Heartbreaking, devastating and deep sadness are all words we use to describe how we feel after the death of a pet. Nearly half of pet owners say the top drawback of pet ownership is the sadness they feel when they die. But death isn't reason enough to forgo the life-changing love and inspiration that comes with sharing your life with a cat or a dog; even if their life ends much too soon.
There is no remedy for the grief you feel when a pet dies, when you have to say goodbye to your beloved dog or cat. There is a void in your heart when you realize you have to go on without them. There is no going around the grief, you can only go through it.
Only fairly recently has there been an awakening in our culture that not only acknowledges our feelings of loss, but validates them as well. No longer do we need to suffer the grief and also the burden of having to justify our sorrow.
In the past, we would lose a pet and, perhaps, keep the grieving a secret. But now, instead of hiding our feelings upon the death of a pet, we can celebrate their life with a pet memorial.
Pet Memorials
There are any number of ways in which we can keep with us the loving memory of our pet. Urns that hold ashes are popular, as is jewelry that holds our pet’s DNA, but many find solace in a crystal pet memorial that will last forever.
The Memories Stay with You
A quick peek at your crystal memorial and you will see that fuzzy face, it is all you need to rekindle the flame that warms your heart. Your memorial can be placed wherever you choose and goes with you when you move.
Share Your Love
It’s never a bad thing to talk about your pet, whether they are living or not. Talking about your departed pet is good therapy and will make you feel better. When you have a crystal memorial, you have a talking point when friends and family come to visit. Go ahead, show them the memorial and tell them that funny story about your pet.
Ease a Broken Heart
Everybody does their own thing when fighting through such a loss. A crystal pet memorial helps soothe a broken heart, it gives you something tangible to see and hold. It gives you a permanent record that satisfies your need to preserve the memories.
A memorial for your pet is an everlasting tribute to your pet, it honors a well-lived and full life.
Death comes knocking on every door and there will be nothing you can do about it but mourn when a pet’s life passes. But now you can give your pet the privilege of being honored and remembered for years to come.